Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Last Night's Craft

I made this at my mom's request last night...

I used the same process that I used to make my harvest colored wreath over the weekend. I did have to change up the supplier though- Dollar Tree didn't have much in large packs of lime green (or similar light green shades) of ornaments. I did find them at Walmart, though.

Price wise, there wasn't a large difference. Walmart has boxes containing 24 ball ornaments for $5. At Dollar Tree, you can get 5 of the 5 packs for $5, equaling 25 ornaments, so it's just 1 less for the cost at Walmart. I was expecting worse! They did also have similar 5 pack tubes, but those were double the price at $2 for 5.

The small ornaments Walmart also had. The packs include 15 small and tiny ornaments (a mix of 2 sizes) for $3. That was a bit pricier than Dollar Tree, but the packs came with both the satin/matte finish, and the shiny finish, plus the alternating sizes.

I was able to make this gorgeous wreath for my mom for just $14! I found the ribbon in the Wedding area at Dollar Tree. All of the Christmas ribbon is in shades of gold, which would have clashed.

1 comment:

  1. Another pretty one! You know, I was thinking that I could just spray paint the balls if I don't find colors that I want.


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