Sunday, November 22, 2009

Frugal Snowflake Crayons

This morning, I perused my dashboard of blogs I follow, and saw that Mad in Crafts had a new post about a frugal stocking stuffer. I love frugal anything, so I was drawn immediatly to her blog.

Those of us with kids know how much kids love to color, and how easily crayons break, and that no matter how much glue or tape they implore us to use, those crayons are never going to be the same as a whole crayon. I'm sure many of you have seen or even used the trick to melt crayons down into a muffin pan, so that they can be reused, right?

Well, Mad In Crafts took the idea, and exchanged a plain muffin pan for a snowflake shaped silicone muffin pan! The end result? A stack of adorable snowflake shaped crayons for kids.

They are frugal, easy to make, and as she said- they'd be a great stocking stuffer! I must have 10 boxes of crayons in my school supply drawer. I buy them up in bulk when they are only $.14 just before school starts. I'm already contemplating making white ones with small bits of color in them.

Thanks for the awesome idea!

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