Sunday, November 29, 2009

Good Morning!

I spent almost all day yesterday on my feet baking, but my mom and I got SO much done. I won't have to bake this month again, unless I want to, and I'll have plenty of treats to take to holiday parties, and pass out to neighbors, and of course, eat here at home.

We tackled:

Homemade peanut butter cups
Peppermint Bark
Peanut Brittle
Brownie Bites with Candy* -you bake the brownies in mini muffin tins, then shove candy in the top as soon as it comes out, so it melts into the brownie.
Cookie Bites with Candy* -you bake the cookies in mini muffin tins, then shove candy in the top as soon as it comes out, so it melts into the cookies.
Peanut Butter Fudge
Chocolate Fudge
Sugar Cookies

I -think- that's everything. It was a long day, but I came home with 2 large boxes filled with treats, and an ice cream bucket filled with treats. Oh, so good!

Don't forget everyone- I'm holding a contest that ends on December 1st for a copy of the movie Fred Claus. Sign up is just a comment on the post.


  1. Wow! I am so jealous! LOL
    Done already AND everything looks delicious!
    Not sure what the kids (they always help me with baking) and I are going to do this year as we just found out my DH is diabetic so gonna need some altering our line up!
    Great Job!
    Merry Christmas!!

  2. I'm sure there are several recipes you can use that are great for diabetics.

    Here's a website that deals only in diabetic recipes.

    Good luck, Cindi!


Thank you so much for commenting! I love hearing from people, and hearing their tips as well!