Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Baby is 8


Gillian, my lil baby, is 8 years old now. Her birthday was on Sunday. She's getting so grown up, and yet, in many ways, is still so little. Our son's birthday is in January, and because of the proximity to one another, and to Christmas, we've always left the big celebration for Gillian until mid January. 



We always do something small for her on her birthday- cake and a gift or two at home. But, the party, friends, family, etc, wait until a joint party in January with Chris. However, she's decided on something different this year.



At 8, she feels she is far too old to share, and I have to admit, I agree, but it was always just easier to share. She didn't mention this, though, until the day of her birthday. She was adamant on Sunday that we were having a party for her. With no time, though, and being away from home for Christmas, we were unable to throw together a party.


I was sick Sunday, and still out of sorts on Monday, so today I sat down to see what I could pull together at the last minute. Gilly was also very clear that she wants her party somewhere, not at home. I priced the roller rink ($8+/kid), the ice rink ($7.50/kid), the bowling alley ($3/game/kid, plus $2/shoes), and just could not find the extra money for a party like that. It's simply too expensive!

Then, a stroke of luck. The theater here in town is tiny, it has small, run down theaters. It's dark, it's dreary, and the seats are horribly uncomfortable. However, it shows first run movies, and it's only $3/person for matinees, and $3/kid after 6, and $3.50/adult after 6. It's dirt cheap.

I called, and they are continuing (for the third freaking week) with Avatar and The Princess & The Frog on Friday. I was hoping they would bring in the Chipmunks movie on Friday. Since they are not, we decided to plan her party for Thursday.

Gilly invited the three neighbor girls, and one other friend. For all 7 kids (the 4 guests, and 3 of ours), it will be just $21 for the movie. Nick and I will both be going as well, so that ups the price, but still for under $30, we're able to take a passel of kids to the theater this week.

I picked up some plates at the dollar store today. I set the party time for an hour before the movie starts, so the kids will meet here for cake & ice cream first, then we'll drive them to the theater. She's excited! I'm excited at how inexpensive it should be. 

I think we may have to do the same for Chris in January.

Happy Birthday Gillian!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to Gilly! It sounds like she is one determined young woman with a very determined mother. I bet her party will be a blast.


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