Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bath & Body Works Bottle Wraps

I have some extra bottles of lotion and shower gel left over from Christmas, and wanted to make them festive for either a Valentine's Day gift, or for Raegan's Easter Basket, and came up with easy wraps.

Measure around the bottle, and add 1 inch, then cut a 1-2" wide strip of felt in the length needed. Wrap it around the bottle, and find a good spot for a button, and sew it to one end of the strip.

Once the button is in place, figure out where to add the slit, and cut a small slit into the felt for a button hole. Once it's fit to the bottle, take it off, and embellish the felt!

I had some felt circles I had gotten a while ago, so I made "flowers" by stitching a smaller one to the center of a larger one, then I added 2 large and 1 small "flower" to the wraps.

The lotion bottles are smaller than the shower gel, so measure the bottles individually. I wound up cutting the slit to the lotion wrap too long, and it did not want to stay up, so I went back and stitched the end of the hole closed. You'll notice in the photo, it's sitting pretty low on the bottle, these were taken before I stitched it up.

I thin they turned out cute. They don't disguise what the item is, but they do disguise what scent they are. I used Blackberry Vanilla, which is purple, and used lavender felt for the wrap itself.

I love that these are totally reusable, and cute. They could be customized for baby showers (I always include a gift for the mom, not just the baby), bridal showers, birthday parties, or holidays.

It took me about 10 minutes each, but I did all the stitching by hand, so that was part of the length of time. These can be used for so many items, too, not just bottles of bubble bath! I even considered making these for Gilly's class for Valentine's bracelets, but quickly discarded that idea, but I may do a similar idea with elastic for that.

Linked up at the parties listed here.


  1. Those are really cute and add just the right touch.

    How is your healing process going?

  2. That is so cute! I give bottles of lotion to people at the nursing home. This is so much cuter than what I do!

  3. I have been feeling a lot better this week, till today. I sat down kind of hard, and am paying for it now ;)

  4. Cute! Come share at my Thursday's Treasures party!

  5. Love cute and easy ideas like this...thanks for sharing!

  6. Totally cute!!!
    Thanks again for joining the party!

  7. That's such a good idea! I love "dressing up" little gifts like that! Thanks for linking up at

  8. Sweet and so original...whoever gets them will appreciate the 'extra' that came with the gel or lotion :)

    Glad you could Mi4M!

  9. I love that idea, especially the button, so cute! Thanks for linking it up to motivate me monday!

  10. What a cute way to dress up bottles. Love it!

  11. These are asorable--going on my favs



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