Sunday, January 10, 2010

To Drive or Not To Drive

I have been cooped up in the house since Thursday when we got back from the ER, and frankly, I was going out of my mind. The pain has cut back a bit, and I've found ways to sit that don't hurt as much. However, when I am sitting up, part of it is that I lean forward to keep the weight off my tailbone, and it strains my back.
Many of you already know from my posts in the past that I have back problems, so it was like trading 1 ache for another, but I'd rather have a sort back than pain when I sit.

Today, I was antsy. I decided that since I wasn't having much pain, and had gone the entire day without having to take a pain killer, that I would go to the store for a short shopping trip. I wanted to stop at Dollar Tree and pick up something small for crafts that I can do while laying in bed. Sitting at the craft table is out of the question, as the chair is a hard seated dining room chair. My computer chair doesn't fit at the desk.

Well, I first stopped at CVS, then when I got over to DT, I saw signs in the Fashion Bug windows announcing the store was going out of business, and everything was 50-60% off. I walked through there, but they didn't have any pants in my size, and I couldn't justify spending money on shirts I didn't need.

By the time I started to walk through DT, my body ached. My back, my rear, everything just ached. The more I walked, the more yucky I felt, so I cut the trip really short, and came home to lay in bed. I took my pain killers, and tossed in a movie.

Ugh. It's safe to say, though, that my body is REALLY not ready to drive, even for a short drive. I know we need groceries, so tomorrow, I'll see if Nick will go with me. If he drives, at least I can sit in a way that won't hurt as much.

Oh- CVS went to 90% off today for their Christmas stuff, and DT was 75% off. I picked up 9 medium gift bags, 3 packs of mini bows, 3 small gift bags, 3 bags of Hershey's Kisses, 2 really soft Reindeer stuffed animals, and a few other items at CVS. I only spent $7, and had 2 bags full of booty.

The Hershey's Kisses I am going to sort and put into 2 candy jars. 1 will have red & silver for Valentine's Day, and the other will have green & silver for St. Patrick's day. Oh! They also had a set of jelly clings in hearts, and a foam pink & red thing that says LOVE on it- both rang up for just $.09 on clearance, despite being Valentine's Day items. I grabbed those to use for Valentine's Day.

I am hoping to do something craft-like tomorrow from bed, after the kids go to school. I also need to talk to the bus driver tomorrow morning and see if Raegan can pick Gilly up at the bus stop this week, to limit how often I have to walk down there, or stand in the cold waiting. Driving her to school is NOT an option, to painful.


  1. I have felt your pain and can sympathize. It's good to try to test your limits but don't push yourself too hard!

  2. I'm trying not to do too much right away. Luckily, unless one of the kids get sick, I don't have to drive all that often. I'll give it some more time before trying again!


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