Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pottery Barn Easter For Less

Jess over at Mad in Crafts is a Pottery Barn for Pennies guro. Seriously, she should be hired by PB. Anyway, I saw some of her stuff, and started to peruse the catalog a bit more. Now, I'm not really a PB kind of girl, for the most part. It's just not my overall style. However, every now and then, something cute sticks out.

One of the projects Jess made for her "Dollar Barn Easter" collection was the splattered eggs, similar to the ones shown below (which sell 12 for $14, AND are not shipping until the end of April- you know, AFTER Easter).

I found the perfect vase at my Goodwill AS-IS center, which clearances out items that don't sell in the regular Goodwill's.  Here's my end version:

So, how much did I spend?

3 Eggs: $.09 total ($.67 for 2 dozen at Hobby Lobby, regular price)
Vase: $.29 (Originally $2.17 at Wal-Mart, priced $.99 at Goodwill, marked down to $.29 on "clearance")
Candle Stick: $.29 (Heavy, wrought iron- marked $.99 at Goodwill, marked down to $.29 on "clearance")
Moss: $.10 (A bag from Dollar Tree, but I used barely any- the bag still looks full)

So, for $0.77, I was able to recreate the full Pottery Barn look, and I love it! The Hurricane vase shown on the PB website runs $29-$59, depending on size. The filler is another $14. I'll count myself lucky to have escaped with a very similar look for under $1!

Here is the before of the candle stick. It was spotted with rust, and had a tacky gold paint job. I didn't achieve exactly what I was hoping for, but I prefer my own paint job to the one it came with.


For the eggs, I sponge painted them cream first, letting the colors show through in some spots. I then splatter painted them with a mix using burgundy, golden yellow, and a touch of black to get a brownish shade. 

This post is linked up at the link parties listed here.


  1. It looks great! How fun to be able to recreate it for less than $1!

  2. i want to run out right now and spend my 77cents! amazing!!

  3. Wow! This looks amazing! I love it! The Goodwill close to me is a joke so I'm glad you were able to score these "treasures"! Great job!
    Rebekah @All Thingz Related

  4. NICE! I am now officially inspired to start on some Easter decor!!

  5. THAT was awesome! Doncha just love Goodwill!!!

  6. Goodwill is my second home, or so hubby jokes. It's above Dollar Tree, but not by much. ;)

  7. Great post! Great Job! Thanks for the inspiration.

  8. You did a great job - got to remember to keep my eyes open to those "frugal' finds!!! thanks

  9. so...guess what MY next project will be! haha, love this, and for less than a buck, TOTALLY my kind of project!

  10. Thank you everyone! I did luck out with the Goodwill finds, but even if you "splurge" on Dollar Tree items, this can still be done very inexpensively. ;)

  11. WOW! That looks great! I want to break out the spring stuff so bad, but we just had another snow storm and I can't bring myself to do it quite yet! :)

    Love what you've done though!! My goodwill never has steals like that!


  12. I haven't started decorating yet- we just got buried under about 18" of snow this week. But, I've been itching to make -something- and this was one of the easier projects I already had in mind ;)

  13. Love this look and I am copying it this weekend! How did you paint the eggs, with a brush or did you splatter the paint with a toothbrush?

  14. I LOVE this! Great job! You did fab in painting those eggs!
    Fabulous Thrifty Thursday!
    Thank you for linking up!
    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  15. Great project and GREAT price! PB is probably fuming right about now. LOL!

  16. Cute Cute Cute!!!! The whole project is just adorable.

  17. It looks fabulous!!

    I ♥♥ the candle stick & the vase!

  18. I ♥ this! And for under a buck! Woo Hoo! You go girl!

  19. Mrs. C- I sponge painted the eggs cream, so color would show through, then I used a regular brush to splatter them, which didn't work the best. A toothbrush- I knew there was a trick to splatter paint, but couldn't think of it! Now THAT would work a LOT better!

  20. Cute! I really like that idea, maybe I'll do that one for easter! Thanks for sharing!

  21. That looks so elegant, you can't beat $.77. Thanks so much for linking to Creative Cats this morning!

  22. Oh I am all over this project!!! This looks great!! And WHERE do you find a GW clearance center??? Because I need one of those!

  23. Anne- not all areas have one. They are usually called an AS-IS center. I had never heard of them until I moved to this town, and bam- it was just right there next to the regular GW! I love it in there. The staff knows me by name ;)

  24. What an awesome job. I first thought you had found the eggs speckled like that, but you did it and a great job at that.

  25. Awesome job! I never thought to try painting those plastic colored eggs you can buy for so cheap....great idea! And I like your version better than the PB one!

  26. Easter comes and goes so quickly so decorating for less is a must! Great job!

  27. This is great! I got a similar vase at GW this weekend (but I paid a full $2.99 for mine.) And I had a few eggs, but not enough to fill it, so I thought I needed more. But after seeing yours, I just need some moss. :)

  28. making those eggs this weekend - ya sold me on that one!!! those look awesome - the vase and all!

  29. Ok this is seriously FANTASTIC!!! I can't believe you recreated that look (really well) for under a $1. Unbelievable.

  30. Absolutely amazing! I love the eggs. Its all beautiful! Frugal is sooooo fun! Why spend more when you can have something that goregous for $0.77?! Love it!

  31. I bow to your greatness. Great finds all! I'm ready for Easter!

  32. Amazing... so simple and beautiful at the same time. Can't beat .77 either!

  33. This is just darling! I like how you painted the candle stick white, and the vase is a nice size and shape.

  34. Wow, that looks incredible! Thanks for getting me inspired to decorate for Easter!

  35. Thank you so much everyone! I really love hearing from my readers!

  36. I love your PB knock off!!! This is definately on my list of decorating projects!

  37. Great job! I think it's time I got myself to a dollar store :)

  38. Wow - that is amazing. I love it. Very clever!!

    Thanks for linking it up to my party!!!



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