Thursday, March 18, 2010

Blog Shout Out

I'm in a lack-of-crafting sort of stage right now. Not for lack of projects. No, more like for lack of ambition. Yep, that sounds right. So, in order to actually have people remember my little blog here, I thought I would go ahead and do a few blog shout outs.

First up, and this is totally self serving, is the most awesome mom blog out there, Minions x 3.


Yes, I hear the crickets all the way over here. All right, so it probably isn't the most awesome anything out there, but it's brand new, and it's all mine. It's more about ME than about what I do, if that make sense. It's about being a mom, a person, having kids, and life. Go, read, friend it, and bask in it's awesomeness.

Next up is another cool blog- Sarah's Deals. Sarah is someone I've "known" online for several years through a state wide yahoo group I help run. She started her blog about a year ago, and it's got all sorts of cool deals through it- coupons, magazine deals, grocery store price matching, and more. Take a gander, and while you are at it, compliment her new banner (psst.. I made it!).

Next up is one of the first blogs I found and started following, Mad In Crafts. Jess has some great ideas, and they are almost all really frugal, like mine! She has been MIA for a week or two, but if you've never been to her blog, you'll find some really cool ideas!
BWS tips button

I currently have over 100 blogs I am following, and these are only a couple of my favorites. Take a moment to check them out!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the referrals! I can't wait to check out these new blogs.


Thank you so much for commenting! I love hearing from people, and hearing their tips as well!