Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Talented Tuesday!!

Welcome to Talented Tuesday!

I did not finish (or start) any craft projects last night, as I intended. Instead, I spent my time planning a vacation! A few friends and I are going to go to Washington DC for the weekend of the 4th of July! I was pricing tickets, hotels, and touristy stuff to do.

Well, that, and looking up things for my son Chris to do in Florida this summer with his grandpa. My FIL recently retired, and moved from NC to FL, and wants to take Chris down there for a month this summer. He's really excited, and I've been trying to find things that are A) cheap, B) exciting to an 11 year old, C) near where he'll be staying, and without D) being Walt Disney World. It's been challenging. The biggest problem is A) cheap.

The Kennedy Space Center is something he would love. It costs an arm and a leg, though- $38 for an adult, $28 for a child. That's just not something I feel comfortable asking my FIL to take him to. I know they'll be doing regular every day stuff for the most part. The beach, staying around home, playing with the cousins (FIL's brother lives next door, and has 2 or 3 young kids around the same age as Chris, but are all girls). I want to have a few options, though, for things they can do that are more touristy.

Meanwhile, back on task, Heather! It's Talented Tuesday!!

How adorable is this tutu onesie that Embellished Bayou made? I am in love. Now, I just need to find a baby girl so I can make one. 

This shirtwaist dress is just lovely- if I had better sewing skills, this would be mine, or something similar! I love this dress by the Opulent Poppy!

Now THIS is up my ally for sewing skills- an easy to make tulle corsage shirt by Blue Cricket Designs. Super easy to make, and the decorations don't rise up dramatically from the shirt. I love a lot of shirt designs, but I would feel really weird wearing a shirt with massive ruffles on the shoulder.

All About Mommies got brave, and finally cut into this gorgeous Springy fabric to make this darling shirt and skirt set. Doesn't it just scream SPRING! Let's hope Spring isn't too far behind!

Seems I was in a clothing mood this morning! I love how varied the talents are that come to my blog, and enjoy seeing your projects every week! Thank you so much for linking up!

If you were featured this week, please feel free to grab the "I was featured" code in the side bar!

The Rules

1) Post a blog about something you've made- a refurnish, recipes, a craft project, a sewing project, room decoration, anything you've done!

2) Add a link to your blog post- not to the blog itself, but to the individual posts! You can post more than one project, just add more links! The links should look something like:


and NOT like this:


3) Add the code below to each post you link to the MckLinky, so that others can post their projects here as well! The list will accept new links through Saturday, so if you make something new, come back and post it! Don't forget to look at the links on the list, and let people know where you found their post at!

This MckLinky will remain open and accepting links through Wed night, so feel free to come back and add more links if you post new things!!


  1. I'm responding to your post about NASA in FL. It is definately worth the money. We went a year and half ago and the kids (we have 2 girls) loved it! I loved it! The tour takes about 3hrs (there are shuttles) I think. The building where the astronauts trained is now open to the public and you can walk through a model of the space station. I think your son and his grandfather will enjoy it. Glad I found your blog.

  2. Heather, you should definitely check out the Disney give a Day, Get a Day promotion. They could get in to Disney World for one day absolutely free.
    That's how we're getting into D-Land next month.
    See if there's a Project Linus opportunity near you. The blankets are so easy to make.

  3. Funny that you are talking about vacations in this post... my link is about a (free) and unique way to remember your vacations :) ...and you have something to decorate with, too :)

  4. Thanks for hosting - that tulle corsage shirt is very cool.

  5. I did look up the Give a Day, Get a Day thing, and Nick sent some info on to his dad to see if it's even something he would want to do (spending a day at Disney, that is). They are about 90 minutes from Orlando, and honestly, it's the closest tourist area they are near.

    Chris is really big into weird things, too- he loves Guinness Book of World Records, and the Ripley's Believe it or Not books, so I found the nearest Ripley's to them (also Orlando).

    I'm hoping they'll have fun.

    Shannon- I saw, that's a really neat idea! One of the things I like to do, is get and mail ourselves post cards on the first day, so they are waiting for us when we come home. One day, I want to bind them all to a spiral binding like a book!

  6. Thanks for the link love! I love finding my stuff on cute blogs!

  7. Your trip sounds so fun!!! I will link up my project in a little while -- need to write it up!


  8. Hey thanks for featuring my shirt/skirt! It's my first time being featured, so I feel special!
    I'm a pretty new blogger!


  9. Thanx so much for the link!!! I've been enjoying your blog and I can't wait to see the new look : ) I'll have something new to show you for this week's Talented Tuesday!!!


Thank you so much for commenting! I love hearing from people, and hearing their tips as well!