Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Twilight Party: Candy Buffet!

Today is the big 14th Twilight Birthday Party for my daughter. She's been so very excited for this- not that I haven't been! We did a lot of fun things, but let's start with a view of the candy buffet...

I opted to go with a color theme for the candy- red, black, silver, and white. Then, I realized that it just is NOT easy to find black candy that is NOT Licorice flavored! But, we managed!!

Here's what we had:

Peppermint Puffs (Red/White)
Hershey's Kisses (Red/Silver)
Root Beer Barrels (really dark brown)
Milky Way Dark (SIlver/Black wrapper)
Pop Rocks (Red/Black)
Gummy Raspberries (Black, Red)
Gummy Raspberries (different type) (Black, Red)
Candy sticks (Black/Pink, Pink/Red, Red)
Rose Suckers (Red)
Red Hots (Red)
Fruity Stars (White)
Wintergreen Gumballs (Silver!)
Red Licorice
Black Licorice
Red Laffy Taffy Sticks
1 Red Foil wrapped Chocolate Rose (for the birthday girl)
M&M's (Red, White, Black)
Special Dark Pieces (Black, Burgundy, Red)
Black Grapes (fruit!)
Berry Mix- Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, & Raspberries
Red Delicious Apples

That's a lot of stuff, but notice how I worked fresh fruit in there?


  1. It all looks amazing! As I Twilight Mom (as in a MOM who reads Twilight) I am so jealous of your daughter! It really looks great!

  2. Awesome! I tried to get my daughter to do a Twilight theme this year..she's four and wasn't digging Princesses over ruled. I seen Party America had the plates, cutes, and other cool twilight stuff for a reasonable price.

  3. ah, meant cups..sorry my mind is not what it use to

  4. It turned out so well! I like the way you mixed some the candies together, makes it look even more "custom." Your daughter is a lucky girl!

  5. Thank you everyone! I have 3 or 4 more scheduled posts over the next two days with more from the party. Oddly enough, the fruit was the first to go, followed by the pizza, and the candy? We re-packaged a TON of it, even after letting the girls each fill a baggie to take home! I'm kind of impressed!

    Love it!
    Since i am here a lot, i wanted you to know about my give away on my blog and i don't want you to miss it. I will not Link my party to other party :)

  7. It looks great! I'm sure they all enjoyed it. Good job putting all that together.

  8. The candy buffet looks GREAT and I love how you used the book covers! Just beautiful! My mom is in LOVE with twilight (well me too, but she's really obsessed) and I'll have to use your party ideas to do something for her next birthday! Thanks for featuring my Dr. Seuss party! It was a ton of fun to do!

  9. We are big Twilight fans here - my daughter! Looks great.



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