Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Favorite Places On The Web

Yes, I'm still alive. School ends this week, and I've been BUSY BUSY BUSY being a photographer, so my crafts have slacked. Couple that with my FIL being an on again, off again guest over the past 2 weeks... well, you get the idea.

Even while I have not had the time, space, or energy to craft, I'm keeping up some of my favorite blogs still.

First up- My Dear Trash. MDT is run by two gloriously talented women who take 'trash', and turn it into cash by reselling items they either find on the curbside, are given, or buy at thrift stores, garage sales, and on Craigslist. Laura raises 4 boys and 1 teeny, tiny, little peanut of a girl, and earns her money in resale. Kelly is raising 6 girls, and also earns her money in resale. In fact, she just funded a vacation to Walt Disney World off her earnings over the past 16 weeks. How cool is that?

Next up, Mad In Crafts. MIC is run by Jess, who is another crafter from Michigan. I think we found each other shortly after we both started our blogs, and we have grown at the same time. It's been interesting watching each others blogs grow, and she has some cool craft ideas, along with a Mad Skillz Monday link party for tutorials. Check her out!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out! You brought a smile to my face! :D


Thank you so much for commenting! I love hearing from people, and hearing their tips as well!