Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hair Clips & A Giveaway

As many of you know, I'm a frugal crafter. If I can buy it on sale, discount, or with a coupon, I love it. If it's free, I love it even more. So, what better way to feed my craft bug than with a FREE giveaway on the original Frugal blogger's website- Dollar Store Crafts?

Heather (great name!) over at DSC is giving away an X-Acto Silhouette Machine! Head on over to her site to sign up to win a $300 prize pack!

Next up- more hair clips. I kind of wish my girls were young enough for these, but my almost 9 year old assures me that wearing hair clips, bows, and flowers to school is SO EMBARRASSING, MOM! -sigh- In the mean time, I continue to make them.

Why? Well, first and foremost, they're quick, easy, fun craft projects I can do in 20 minutes without having to plan out a project, and right now, my time is sparse with photo editing, photo taking, and summer. Next up, they can be toted along to photo shoots and used if the client wants to use them. Third, I have nieces who are still young enough to love them, so anything that I don't sell, I give away.

Of course, to feed the addiction of making them, I do hope to sell some along the way. Anyway, lately I've been making the little ribbon lined clippies- great for every day use, and no where near as large & extravagant looking as huge bows and flowers. They're also great for younger kids who don't have much hair.

I've been listing my clippies at $2 for a matching pair, $1.50 for individual ones, and 3 pairs for $5. Below are some of my more recent ones. They are listed for sale on my Facebook page for My Frugal Family!

1 comment:

Thank you so much for commenting! I love hearing from people, and hearing their tips as well!