Saturday, March 19, 2011

New Camera, New Photos

A few weeks ago, my husband and I decided that it was time for me to invest in a brand new DSLR camera. I had one, but it was 2nd hand, and I was never real comfortable with it. The camera arrived last week, and today, I got out of the house in this gorgeous Spring weather with Raegan to test it out.

I picked out the Sony A33, which I got with a 50mm portrait lens, and a 75-300mm zoom lens. I also was spoiled this week- I got new filters, a tripod, a spare battery, and a remote in the mail, courtesy of my loving hubby.

I -love- this camera. My main complaints: the battery SUCKS. It drains super fast, so I'm glad I have a spare, because if I have a big shoot, I'll need it. Next, a 2gig memory card is eaten up in no time at all. Now granted, I am currently set to take photos in both JPG and RAW, but still, I only get a little less than 100 photos before it's gone.

All that said, I am in love.  Here are some photos I took today of Raegan, who will be 15 next month.


  1. Heather, I have the sony a 300 and my batter will last a really long time. So you might want to have them replace it. I am so happy you have a new camera you deserve it!!


  2. Thanks Jaime- I did email them right off the bat because within 2 uses it went from 100% down to 69% with 5 minutes of use each time. I have not yet gotten it empty completely yet, but Sony just gave me tips on extending battery life (basics like don't over heat it, don't recharge it when it's only half empty every time, etc).

    I'm hoping that once I kill it completely again, and recharge it, that it will have a MUCH better life on it, but if not, I plan to call and complain.

  3. Congratulations Heather! What a fabulous camera you have gotten yourself, and what a sweet husband you have.

    It does sounds strange about the battery life, running out of batteries is not good. I was able to find a generic battery as my extra for my SLR, and it works just as well as the original battery.


Thank you so much for commenting! I love hearing from people, and hearing their tips as well!