Friday, June 3, 2011

Win It: FREE Recycled Glass Pendant!

Welcome to HOT SUMMER GIVEAWAYS! I will be hosting 5 days full of great giveaways from various crafters around the internet!

Missed the other giveaway posts? There's still time to enter! The date next to them is the last date to enter that particular giveaway!

Today's 2nd giveaway comes from Stina Jimerson, a metal working student! How cool is that? 

Stina is an MFA metalsmithing student, and there are basically three types of items she sells in her shop. The first type are the enameled pendants. She cuts copper sheet metal and form it into whichever shape she wants. 
She's a big fan of the domed rectangles she has in her shop. She feels like the shape looks very proud, like a figure with it's shoulder's back and chest out. Then she enamels them in a kiln, layering colors and patterns for a one-of-a-kind look. No two pendants could ever be the same, even if she did the exact same steps again. They always turn out slightly different. 

The second thing she sells are my glitter portraits. She takes pictures of people and animals (animals are her favorite to make!) and turn them into 8x10 portraits done entirely in glitter and glue (no paint). They are so fun to make and definitely make a statement! 

Lastly, and closest to her heart, is the line of recycled glass jewelry that she makes. She volunteers with an organization in her hometown, C&R Kuttbottle (, that functions as the only way we have to recycle glass. Its a very small group of people working to make a difference in our community. They collect glass bottles of all types from the community (mainly wine bottles) and repurpose them into sets of drinking glasses, windchimes, tea lights, and several other things. They sell these items at the farmers market and all the money goes to Habitat for Humanity. 

When the bottles break, which happens a LOT, the glass gets tumbled and broken into tiny, smooth chunks that are kind of like sea glass. This is the glass she uses in my jewelry. Since she can get it from there, she makes a donation to Habitat for every piece she sells. What started as a small idea has grown a lot in the last two and a half years. They calculated that they've saved thousands of bottles from the landfill and raised about $6000 for Habitat so far!

The Prize!

She will be giving away a small (slightly larger than a nickel) brass pendant filled with brown recycled glass. The picture is front view and back view.

Nitty Gritty Details:
  • Check out Stina's Stuff on Etsy and sort through her items for sale.
  • Leave a comment letting me know what items you like best, and include your EMAIL address. If there is no email address, I can't contact you!!
Additional Entries - To enter additional entries, please leave a new comment, otherwise, your entry only counts as 1 entry.

There will be 1 winner drawn on Wed, June 8th from all the comments. 

Good luck!!!


  1. I love the large copper fold-formed earrings.

  2. Her square blue enamel pendant is great ! Thank you, mamalusco at ortelco dot net

  3. I like BC on FB. Thanks! mamalusco at ortelco dot net


Thank you so much for commenting! I love hearing from people, and hearing their tips as well!