Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hate it!

I really dislike the look of this blog. I'm seriously considering finding a site that will do a cheap custom 3 column layout, and just biting the bullet and paying to get one made remember that I am too poor cheap frugal to pay for something I should be able to figure out.  Or giving up and going back to a 2 column. Or just screaming. That third one there is starting to appeal.

And those stupid little "Read More" pictures won't go away, and that template is GONE!


  1. Blogger templates are not very user friendly. I'm sorry you are struggling with it. I would definitely go back to the 2 columns until you are ready to "bite the bullet". Good luck with whatever you choose.

  2. I'm in total agreement with you. I'm wanting to revamp my blog, and just not wanting to spend the bucks to do so. I keep telling myself that I can certainly figure it out with a lot of trial and error...but, to date, I haven't figured it out! Good luck on figuring it out!

  3. I wanted to let you know my blog has moved to

    Please come over and RE-Sign up to follow me over there.

    I am trying to go through all my old followers so if you have already come over --sorry for the confusion.


  4. I hear you, this can be a challenge. I have a link that may, no promises, may help- (I just did all this myself, still not super fancy but it's my own)-
    Also, there are some other links I didn't post that are really simple to insert into your settings that i'd be happy to share!
    If you need some help I love a good challenge!

  5. This option isn't free, but it's the best option I've found for doing your own blog design easily. I wrote a post about it here:

    I have my own url and use WordPress, and I used Thesis for my blog design. It's SO EASY to change colors, column number and column width, you name it. It might be worth checking out. :)

    Good luck!

  6. I would create a new blog to use for your trial and error that way until you get things figured out, people can see check out this blog.

  7. I would also recommend switching to WordPress. I love it! Sooner is better than later, too... and you could get your own domain name!

    Here's a list of best blogger templates, maybe you'll find something there?

  8. Where are you located... I would love to have you on Good Things Utah!

  9. I know exactly how you feel.I have been tinkering with my blog for a little bit now and just cant seem to get it the way I want.When my income tax money comes in I may just have to "bite the bullet".

  10. I took a deep breath, and stepped away from it last night, and today, I have a much more clear head, and plan to tackle this problem.

    Thank you all so much for your advice!!

    Kyle and Amanda- That is very flattering! However, I'm in Michigan, so it'd be a bit of a long drive. ;)

  11. I'm looking into redoing mine too. No time to do it myself :(


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