Saturday, March 6, 2010

I'm still alive!

It's been a few days, and really, I have nothing fantastic to post. I haven't crafted- my desk is taken over by this huge light box, which I have no other place to store, and cats that want to use it for a house. Note to self- find a place to store it, so it's not covered in cat hair, or destroyed. That's numero uno tomorrow.

Why? Because I found some fantastic things I want to re-do tomorrow from Goodwill. I got a really cute wooden box with little ball feet on it. It could be used as a planter, or who knows what else. It's all scuffed up, though, so I have to re-do it. Well, I'd have re-done it anyway. ;)

I also talked it over with my hubby, and decided that my blog is worth the price of buying a make over, so I've been talking with Bailey from B's Blog Design, and hope to have a whole layout and design done in the near future.

I can't wait to do some crafting tomorrow. I'm itching to do it, and would love to right now, but it's chilly out, and frankly, I'd rather go lay in bed with a movie. It IS after 10.

So, just wanted to stop by, say HI, and let everyone know that come Monday, you'll see my next "A Craft A Week in 2010" craft, and I hope to also post my photo lightbox stuff, since I haven't yet, and people have been asking. My bad!!

Lastly, before heading off... I had a comment this week from the Good Things Utah morning show, asking if I would be interested in doing a segment with them. I would LOVE to, but being in Michigan, I'm not sure how doable it is.

I can't begin to describe just how flattered I am, though, and how excited I have been since seeing it. It started me thinking about another blog a friend runs, on saving money. I recommended her blog to a few local news channels, because I think it could be of great interest to the people in the community who don't know about it.

She was talking with the station today, and in turn, mentioned my blog, and they sounded interested. It's really surprising to me, how my little back room hobby has turned into another hobby, and one that so many people seem to be interested in. It really makes me smile to see new comments, and people enjoying what I post!

See you all either tomorrow or Monday!

Oh- Circus countdown is down to a week, and boy, are the kids getting excited to go!



  1. Can't wait to see what you are working on tomorrow. Will look forward to your next posts.

  2. Looking forward to all of your stuff... new crafts, new blog, new pictures. :) Congrats on the offer, also.

  3. You sound kind of like me lately. Not alot of blog worthy stuff here either this week!! I can't wait to see your new crafts! And congrats on getting a new blog design, I know it will be great!

  4. Dying to see your light box... I need one SO BAD but I am super cheap :)


Thank you so much for commenting! I love hearing from people, and hearing their tips as well!