Friday, April 30, 2010

Last Birthday Week Giveaway!!

It's here- Friday! The last day of my Birthday Week giveaways. I hope you have all enjoyed them as much as I have enjoyed being able to bring them to you!

Starting tomorrow, winners will be drawn each day until next Friday. The winners will be contacted via email, and announced here on my blog. We need to hear from the winner within 3 days, or a new winner will be chosen.

Have you had a chance to enter the rest of the Birthday Week at My Frugal Family giveaways? Julie from Singing Three Little Birds is hosting a cool jewelry prizeBrooke from Makin' It Domestic is giving away a cute little handmade purse, Joy from Mommas Kinda Crafty is giving away a minky stuffed animal, I (from here!) am giving away a pair of bib clips, Brittany from Love Stitched is giving away 1 of 3 crafted items, Veronica from Veronica's Korner is giving away a hand beaded jewelry set, and Tammy from Not Just Paper and Glue is giving away a purse full of adorable handmade flowers!! If you did enter, please go double check that you left an email address- several entries did not!!

 Today's prize comes from Rose at Really Rosey. She's volunteered up a cute little peach diaper clutch Grab & Go. The Grab & Go clutch is a fabric clutch with a velcro closure that fits a few diapers, and a pack of to-go baby wipes. Perfect for keeping in the car for emergencies!

Today is also the LAST day to enter the first contest, so if you haven't entered yet, make sure to go back and do so! The only way to win a prize is by entering!! (well, and then winning!)

Each of the contests ends at different times, so be sure to enter now so you don't miss out!

Giveaway #1-Fabric Jewelry, Ends 5/01
Giveaway #2-Pleated Purse, Ends 5/02
Giveaway #3-Stuffed Animal Baby Toy, Ends 5/03

Giveaway #4- Baby Bib Clips, Ends 5/03
Giveaway #5- Choice Of Prize, Ends 5/04Giveaway #6- Handmade Jewelry, Ends 5/05 Giveaway #7- Fabric Flowers, Ends 5/06
Giveaway #8- Diaper Clutch & Go, Ends 5/07

he Rules For the Contests:

1. Each Contest is being sponsored by another blog, except 1 contest that I'll be hosting myself. To help thank these wonderful women, I am asking that you to Visit Rose at the Really Rosy shop & website, and find either a product you love, a project you love, or a post they've done that you love, and comment back to me with it. This way, they get some new viewers, hopefully, and can feel the love from my viewers!

2. An email address is required- if you do not feel comfortable with email harvesting, please use something such as (at) and (dot) to break it up a bit, so that it can be used to contact you!

3. Twitter, Tweet, Facebook, and Blog about the contests for an extra entry. Post a link to where you twittered, tweeted (I know, it's the same thing), facebooked, or blogged about it, and post this as a second comment for a second entry.  

4. The winner chosen will be posted on the blog, and also emailed by me. Please check your emails & this blog to see if you won anything- if I can't get a mailing address from the winner after 3 days, I will have to pick a new winner!

Enjoy the contests, and please, visit the sponsors- they are a talented group of ladies!

The winner of this giveaway will be drawn on Thursday, May 6th, using to randomly pick a number from the comments. 


  • If no email address was given on the winning comment, a new winner WILL be chosen, so please, remember to leave contact information! If you are worried about web crawlers snagging the email address, please feel free to substitute the @ for (at) and the . for (dot) so your email address reads like this: herberkids3(at)yahoo(dot)com, instead of the normal way. As long as I can understand what it should be, you will be entered!
  • The winner will be emailed by myself, and the sponsor of the contest. The prize will be sent from the sponsor, so it's important to make sure that you answer one or both of the emails with your snail mail address for shipping!
  • If a response is not received within 3 days time, a new winner will be drawn, so please- respond!
Good luck to all the entries, and don't forget to check back again tomorrow for another exciting giveaway!!


  1. Those fancy pants ruffled diaper covers are awfully cute!

    Email is madincrafts at hotmail dot com!

  2. PS You're the Friday Feature at Mad in Crafts today!!! So promoted the crap outta your blog and your birthday giveaways!

    madincrafts at hotmail dot com

  3. I love the tutu! I can't wait for the giveaways to start having winners! :) Hope your birthday week has been awesome!

    laceythames (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. I absolutely love the crazy print dress.

    Frugality Is Free

  5. I love the crocheted heart garland!


  6. Love all her stuff, but I really loved the bird dress. How cute!


  7. I have a diaper clutch that came with a diaper bag but it's a little... masculine for my little fairy girl!

    I love how this one is pink, and flowered!

  8. I love the colorful dress the baby is wearing and the birds dress

    jessicahills22 at gmail dot com

  9. The peek a boo nursing coverup is very cute...

    robertapm at comcast dot net


Thank you so much for commenting! I love hearing from people, and hearing their tips as well!