Sunday, June 20, 2010


This past Friday, when it was hot as can be, muggy as all get out, and just plain yucky, I did a quick 20 minute photo session with my daughter Gillian. One of my goals this year, is to pick up cute dance costumes and Halloween costumes in Fairy like design. I want to be able to offer costumes for Fairy sessions starting next year. To do that, though, I need a good array of sizes, colors, and wings.

This is  a CUTE dance dress I found at Goodwill for only $2. I have matching Red & Silver wings, but Gillian had a sun burn, and they were really bothering her back. I should have thought to maybe pin them to the costume instead of her wearing them over her shoulders, but alas, I didn't.

Anyway, here are a few of my favorites. In a few, you can really tell how annoyed she was with me- she was having a hard time with the heat, the humidity, and the desire to want anything to do with being there! ;)


  1. You are really doing a fantastic job with the photos Heather. I hope your business is booming!

  2. We have a close relationship with Goodwill as well! Your photos are just beautiful and so is Ms. Gillian. -diane

  3. Hi Heather,
    Every time I come to your blog I'm enamored with your kid pictures. you're doing such a good job taking the essence of the kids and making them shine. A well-deserved compliment here!

    btw Heather, we've started a DIY Tutorial link party to 'fill the gap' while lots of bloggers are taking summer vacation from their linky parties. Would you mind adding ours to your list? We're a PR3-4, so well worth linking to.
    The logo image is in the post. Thank you in advance for adding us to your list, and while you're busy, we hope you'll add your wonderful tutorials also...



Thank you so much for commenting! I love hearing from people, and hearing their tips as well!