Friday, June 18, 2010

Photo Contest- Please help vote?

 As many of you know, one of the reasons I have been CRAFT BLOG FAIL is because I am busy getting my photography business, Expressions by Heather, off the ground. One of the things I am doing to help get it off the ground, is holding a Children's Portrait Contest through Facebook.

The contestants are people who sent their children's photos in, in the hopes of winning a free portrait session with me (locally). What I would like, though, is more people voting! There are a lot of adorable little kiddos in the contest, but only a few of the parents are able to really "recruit" votes.

If you have a facebook account, and 5 or 10 minutes, check out the contest.

First, go to my business page: Expressions by Heather, and click "LIKE" at the top. Then, click ALBUMS, and go to the album entitled "Children's Portrait Contest".

From there, go through the photos, and comment the word VOTE on any of them you really like. All of the photos are snap shots provided by the parents, and there are so many little dolls in the contest. You can vote for as many kids as you like, but only 1 vote per child, please!

Voting runs through Sunday night at midnight, so please- take a moment to vote!

1 comment:

  1. I'm headed to fb now! :) Good luck with your new business! That is exciting!!


Thank you so much for commenting! I love hearing from people, and hearing their tips as well!