Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy 1 Year Anniversary!

Frankly, I'm being optimistic here, because I'm coming at you live... from November, 2009. I have no idea if my little blog made it, or if it will be active, or if anyone will even still be visiting with me. I have to say, I really hope that it does.

Because this is a blog being sent to the future, so to speak, or being plucked from the past, I'll write down some of the things I hope to accomplish by October 2010, and I suppose when the time comes, we'll see just how close to the mark I make it.

  1. I hope to have built up a following of at least 50 people. Currently, I'm at 15.
  2. I hope to start & finish a quilt.
  3. I hope to take several sewing classes, so I can have more than a basic knowledge of how to sew.
  4. I hope to be happy, and loved, as I currently am.
  5. I hope for a good year, above all else, for myself, my family, my friends, and anyone who stops by to read my blog.
  6. I hope to have an epiphany along the way, and actually start writing a book- any book, so long as it's written by me.
  7. I hope... a lot, I suppose.
So, if the blog is still here, and people are still reading it... Happy 1 year anniversary, a bit premature from my current time frame. Let's hope the year was a good one!


  1. Such a cute post! Obviously you accomplished #1. What about the others? My blog is a month old. I think I'll copy you and write a list for year goals too...such a great idea and a great sense of accomplishment! Congrats on your bloggy anniversary! Jenn from

  2. what a fun post & such a good idea. i too am curious did you meet all your goals. I know you accomplised #1.

  3. Thank you everyone!

    I did not meet all of my goals over the year, but my goals changed over the year, too.

    I met:


    and missed:


    So, half isn't bad, I suppose :)

  4. Did you remember that this post was coming?
    :) Thanks for sharing!

  5. aww so cute!! I love that you did this! What a cute idea! Happy Anniversary!

  6. Happy Anniversary Heather! It seems like you have been blogging forever, seriously, it's only a year:)

    Frugality Is Free


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