I've also been crafting a lot- just not posting it. I do hair bows to sell, so that's been keeping me hopping. My friend and I are planning to do at least 1, if not 2, craft shows this year to earn some money before Christmas, so that's been keeping me busy as well.
Crafters- do you do craft shows? We're new to it- I've done shows in the past, but we're talking like 9 years ago. Here's my questions:
Both shows are smaller- $30 tables at one and $15 tables at the other. How much stock should we have on hand? What prices are good for craft shows? Both of us keep our prices pretty low for online sales, compared to many other shops that sell comparable items.
We have a few additional items planned, besides our hair items. C is going to paint some glass blocks and add lights to them. I'm going to make Christmas ornaments. We're both making hair bow holders. I want to have a small tree on the table for ornaments, too.
Our first show is the weekend before Thanksgiving, so it should afford us some Black Friday spending money ;)
Anyway- on to the real reason why ya'll stopped by- Talented Tuesday.

The Rules
1) Post a blog about something you've made- a refurnish, recipes, a craft project, a sewing project, room decoration, anything you've done!
2) Add a link to your blog post- not to the blog itself, but to the individual posts! You can post more than one project, just add more links! The links should look something like:
and NOT like this:
3) Add the code above to each post you link to the Link Party, so that others can post their projects here as well! The list will accept new links through Saturday, so if you make something new, come back and post it! Don't forget to look at the links on the list, and let people know where you found their post at!
4) No selling things through the Link Party- do not hook up your Etsy shop, or Facebook shop, or eBay account. This is not the forum for that.
This Linky will remain open and accepting links through Wed night, so feel free to come back and add more links if you post new things!!
Good luck with your craft shows. I've only done one, so I don't have much advice. But I would suggest that you check out any that are going on between now and then if there are any. That way you can get a feel for what others are charging & how much stock you have. It really depends on your area as to what you can charge for something. You don't want to undervalue your work & sell yourself short, but you don't want to overprice yourself out of the market either.
Thank you for hosting! This is my first time linking up here. There are some projects that I am ready to go check out.
Have a wonderful rest of the week!
This is going to be fun! Thanks for hosting.
Oh my.. this is awesome!! I'm so glad I found you! I've linked in this week.. and hope to link in again... Thanks for hosting such a lovely event!!
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