Today, it looks gorgeous out. Big fluffy white flakes littering the sky, and coating the Earth in a pretty white blanket. It's supposed to keep up all day and night, resulting in the first major snowstorm of the season for us. We've had a few others, but no real accumulation. Today, they are saying 4-6" by dinner. I'd say we've already gotten close to an inch.
Gillian and I walk through the yard, to the road every morning and every afternoon on our way to and from the bus stop. I stomp out the exact same path every morning, to make sure we have a path. That path is now covered already. Once the snow gets deeper than about 2 inches on the ground, we walk around, but because the weather hasn't been as cold as it should, our dirt road has been a quagmire of mud, so I have avoided it thus far. Hopefully, it'll freeze over soon.
In the meantime, my fingers are numb. I went out to put some mail in the mailbox, and stopped to shovel. However, I did so sans gloves. Oops.
And in other news- I've been featured today by Dollar Store Crafts for my handmade fuzzy socks!

I love snow! We're supposed to get a couple inches by tomorrow morning. I find that a picture never quite captures how beautiful it is...
No, photos never do it justice, that's for sure.
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