This morning, I worked on a wreath for St. Patrick's Day. I love how it turned out, but I'm kind of sad I can't hang it outside to show off. It's too cute to keep hidden! Maybe I'll hang it outside on the 17th, if it's not too wet out.
St. Patrick's Day Wreath for $3.75
You'll Need:
8 sheets of felt- I used 2 sheets each of white, lime green, kelly green, and forest green. $2 @ 4/$1 not on sale
Green Marabou trim- Clearance at 75% off- $.75
Foam Wreath Form- Dollar Tree- $1
Ball Point Pins- On hand (I've heard that the flat end pins hurt your thumb after a while of pushing them in!)
- Find something circular to use, and draw as many circles as you can on your sheets of felt. I used a smaller than average size spool of ribbon, and was able to get 12 circles. Anything larger will likely yield less. Smaller, and I could have easily gotten 16, but I don't know how smaller circles would have looked. Cut the circles out.
- Fold a circle in half. Fold that half into thirds. Pinch it together, and use a pin through the bottom to attach it to the wreath. You could also use hot glue and a pen or pencil to glue the circles straight to the wreath if you are so inclined, but I imagine it would take more work.
- Fill out the wreath. I added a line around the edge to hide the green florist foam I used for the wreath. If you use a wreath form that's rounded, and not flat like mine, you could wrap the form in ribbon first, and you wouldn't have to add extra circles.
- Once that was done, and all my circles were gone, I dug out a spool of marabou "ribbon" trim I got on clearance after Christmas for 75% off. I ran it around the edge of the the wreath twice, pinning the rope to the form. I repeated this on the inside. The fur doesn't show up real great from the front, but it completely covered the edges of foam that were visible.
This style of wreath has been all over the blog world over the past month, so it's hardly original. In fact, Heidi at Craft Monkey did one very similar to mine back before Valentine's Day, instead of doing a red, white, and pink one.
This post is linked up at the link parties listed here.

this wreath is wonderful!!!
Very cute! I'm working on a St. Pat's wreath wit a totally different look...but may need one like this, too!
I LOVE this. I have never made a wreath of any kind (sad, I know!) but this is so adorable, I may have to give it a go. The fur is too cute!!
Your wreath looks great! Love the feather trim. I made one similar to it last month.
Your wreath is so cute! I found your blog through "Making the World Cuter." I linked up my St. Patty's Day wreath as well.
How cute, and very creative.
omg love it!!
So cute!! FYI I saw dress-up toy feather boas in the toy aisle at Dollar Tree...
How fun! I love it!
Thank you everyone!
Heidi- that's the one I was thinking of!! I posted a link in the post to it :)
Heather- that's right, they do!! I want to make a similar one for indoor for Easter, so I'll be checking them out (as soon as we're not snowed in, and I have a working car...) Thanks!
Love it!!! Thanks for sharing!
So festive and cute! Thanks...
So fun!
just love your wreath...
That is so cute! I love the feather trim.
wow! That is one bright and cheery green wreath!
Looks like you are doing a good job keeping up with your 1 craft each week in 2010!
Good for you, and so fun isn't it?
barbara jean
That's beautiful! Love all the shades of green
I absolutely love the feathers. That's what takes it to the next level of trendy design vs just "cute". I keep resisting the urge to buy a feather wreath. Now I am inspired to make one myself.
I am impressed you did it so cheaply too. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
making toys from recycled items to save my sanity and the planet
That is so beautiful! I don't think I've ever connected fancy and St. Pat's, but you achieved it!
normally i wouldn't really "decorate" for st. patrick's day....but this wreath was too cute not too! i made one and linked back to can check it out here:
thanks for the inspiration!
Ooooh...soooo PRETTY! Come by and check out my CASH GIVEAWAY...I think you will like it:)
I like your wreath, it's girly with the boa, it's fresh, it's modern. I like all the textures you incorporated and the white makes the green stand out more, just the right balance. I'm going to try it for mother's day with pink and black. Thanks for such a great idea.
Great wreath idea...never would of thought of using those items together...when you get a minute come say hi.
Your wreath is so fun! Great job!
That is so cute!! I've been looking everywhere for a St. Patty's wreath. Thanks for the inspiration!
That's so cute! I just commented on the other post about our snow storm and then noticed your in MI too! Did you get it bad?
Ehh our driveway's still full of snow!
LOVE the wreath! My kids would adore that for St pattys day! They know once the green hits the leprechauns are about to show up! So silly! I'm going to have to steal this one!
We got about 18" over all, but didn't get hit as hard the past couple of days. It's supposed to warm up soon, though, so I anticipate a melty, muddy mess!
Thank you everyone- I really like the wreath, and I'm glad so many of you do as well!
What a cute wreath! Great idea. I love your box too!
Hi Heather!!
Cute cute wreath. I love it! I am linking it up to my Friday Favorites. I hope you don't mind!
Very very cool! I love the felt flowers on it! : )
Oh, very nice! Love the great green shades!
Way super cute! Love the featheries!
I love this!! So cool. So glad you linked up so that I can feature this fab project ;)
happy crafting,
Pretty, pretty. And a great idea for any colors to make seasonal ones!
I just love it! Do you think it can be sprayed with something to make it durable for outdoors??
I just love this! I am inspired! Do you think you could spray it with something to make it okay for outdoors?? I can't think of the name of this possibility!?
How much felt did you use and did you just use the pen to poke the felt thru? I really want to make this.
@Anon- I used 8 sheets of felt total (regular size sheets). For attaching them, I used a ball pin and pinned each one into the foam.
You could use the tip of an ink pen or pencil to push them in, and add glue to the felt maybe, though.
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